Coulter and Climate

Surprisingly, neither of the news articles I’ll be commenting on were reported today. ” Coulter: Christians as ‘Perfected Jews’ ” appears under the date of October 11, 2007, while “Gore and U.N. Panel Win Peace Prize for Climate Work” appears under the date of October 13, 2007. Whoever invented the time machine to allow that article to be written should win the Nobel Prize in physics!

I’ll start off with the article about Coulter. All quotes are from the New York Times article here.

“We just want Jews to be perfected,” Ms. Coulter said, explaining why she thinks a Christian America would be ideal.

That’s the meat of the article, if you can call it that. Her viewpoint, summed up in one sentece. Cheery, ‘aint it?

Pressed to elaborate, she said, “People were happy. They’re Christian. They’re tolerant. They defend America.”

Is Ms. Coulter aware that, according to the CIA World Factbook, 2007 edition, 10% of our country is non-religious? Is she also aware that 2% are either Muslim or Jewish? That’s a whopping 12% of our country right there who are not Christian.

Let’s continue, shall we?

Ms. Coulter: No. I’m sorry. It [the comment about perfecting Jews] is not intended to be. I don’t think you should take it that way, but that is what Christians consider themselves: perfected Jews. We believe the Old Testament. As you know from the Old Testament, God was constantly getting fed up with humans for not being able to, you know, live up to all the laws. What Christians believe — this is just a statement of what the New Testament is — is that that’s why Christ came and died for our sins. Christians believe the Old Testament. You don’t believe our testament.

Mr. Deutsch: You said — your exact words were, “Jews need to be perfected.” Those are the words out of your mouth.

Ms. Coulter: No, I’m saying that’s what a Christian is.

Mr. Deutsch: But that’s what you said — don’t you see how hateful, how anti-Semitic –

Ms. Coulter: No!

Ms. Coulter is missing something here. If she thinks Christians are perfected Jews, then she thinks that Christians are better than Jews, by definition. What isn’t anti-semeitc about that? Also, I have one final point for Ms. Coulter to consider – Muslims believe (as far as I know, please correct me if I am incorrect) that the Old and New Testaments are…you can say, “accurate” holy books (though some Muslims belive that they have been altered by men), but the Koran is the most accurate, the most, you could say, “updated” version. If Ms. Coulter was a Muslim, would she consider herself a perfected Christian? And why doesn’t she consider Muslims “perfected Christians?”

On to the second article, also found in the New York times here.
Here’s a short excerpt –

OSLO, Oct. 12 — Former Vice President Al Gore, who emerged from the 2000 presidential election debacle to devote himself to his passion as an environmental crusader, was awarded the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize on Friday, along with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a United Nations network of scientists.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee praised both “for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change.”

I’ve already talked about global warming (or lack thereof) in a different post, so I won’t get all science-y here. I’m just going to say that I think it’s horrendous that we’re giving a Nobel Peace Prize to somebody who has openly lied to the public and produced no formal apoplogy (that I know of). Apart from that, what is one of his solutions? Carbon offsets! Allow me to explain briefly – you can make as many environmentally harmful decisions as you want, as long as you spend a certain amount of money on environmentally free programs. So rich people (…Gore?) can continue to do whatever they’re doing, while the middle / lower class are the ones struck. Not only that, but according to an article publiced at WorldNetDaily, found here, the company that gets the money from Gore’s “carbon offests” is…no, let me show you a quote –

Al Gore defends his extraordinary personal energy usage by telling critics he maintains a “carbon neutral” lifestyle by buying “carbon offsets,” but the company that receives his payments turns out to be partly owned and chaired by the former vice president himself.

Something about this dooesn’t sound right. Gee, I can’t figure out what it is!

For those of you who have commented before, yes, that is sarcasm.

7 Responses

  1. You have a point there. We were talking about Europe’s xenophobic feelings today, and there were a few overlaps. (It’s from 10 years ago, so yes, the data is a little inaccurate. But this is before 9/11, so the # of xenophobics could be more.)

    Many E.U. Europeans support democracy (which includes the freedom for your own religion and culture)…
    BUT…they believe that the only way immigrants can be accepted by the E.U. society is by completely turning onto the E.U. culture.

    Not to mention, Christianity applies to a number of people. All of Christianity can’t be perfect; there are too many sects to Christianity. Catholics don’t allow divorce; other Christian sects do. So how is all of Christianity “perfect” if they’re so different?

    But if you add up all the sects of Christianity, it becomes a majority. So, people get this idea that being Christian is to be “perfect.”

    It’s not necessarily “perfect.”
    It’s just a majority.

    (There’s my little rant of the day.)

  2. okay, i totally agree with you, and what oculter said is totally anti semitic.
    but what i think she meant was just that jews were like, close to christian, close to having the “true religious beliefs” , and that christians were just an updated version. she just said it in a really retarded way. and she doesnt think that muslims are perfected christians because she doesnt believe in the koran.
    what is the percentage of christians though, *removed*? you forgot to mention it.

  3. The percentage of Christians in the United States, according to the 2007 World Factbook – 88%. The percentage of Christians in the World, according to Encyclopedia Britannica, is 33%.

  4. *removed*, you seem to have missed Coulter’s point. (Oh, and by the way, it’s not “Mrs. Coulter”–she’s not quite married.) Believe me: I’m an ex-Catholic, I know what she’s talking about, and I know for a fact that you didn’t read that whole transcript with a clear mind.

    Her first comment about people being Christian and happy is directly related to her viewpoint on religion. In fact, she’s saying what everyone else is already thinking: That she’s on the right path, while others are not. You cannot possibly take a particular path without believing that THAT path is the right one, while others are wrong. The simple fact that you are down a path at all proves this, because, if all paths were equal, you wouldn’t have bothered choosing one in the first place. So, obviously, if you’re a Christian, you think it would be wonderful if everyone was Christian; if you’re a Jew, you think it’d be wonderful if everyone was a Jew; and if you’re a Muslim, atheist, Buddhist, [insert belief system here], you think it’d just be plain dandy if everyone was that way as well. There’s nothing wrong with that, is there? Coulter’s not telling other people that she’s going to force them into Christianity; she’s saying that she’d love it if they converted. At one point in the interview, she even explained that Jews go to heaven, because they still do as God asks. She refers to Christianity as “federal express,” meaning that it’s the fast track, the surest path, to heaven, but that there are still other ways.

    As for the Muslim bit–why are you then not calling out Muslims for believing that they are “perfected Christians”? This is exactly my point. Coulter would disagree with Muslims on the point that Islam is the “end of the line,” so to speak, but it wouldn’t offend her. The reason she disagrees with that specific idea is that, under Christianity, Jesus is the messiah–end of story.

    And, as for Blin’s comment on xenophobia: Assimilation of the host country’s culture is necessary for an immigrant, if the country wants to remain intact. This is what’s going on in Europe right now, and it’s a major problem. Read “Infidel” by Ayaan Hirsi Ali–it’s her memoir of growing up as a Muslim in Africa, Saudia Arabia, and then her escape from an arranged marriage. She lived in Holland for a while, and even became a member of parliament there. One of the largest issues she saw was TOO MUCH tolerance. People all over Europe are letting immigrants bring their own value systems into the culture, particularly radical Islamic values. Honor killings, never before witnessed in Europe, have shot up to hundreds and thousands a year, and just in Holland. (The practice of murdering a woman who has disgraced the family is strictly Islamic in nature, but, as I’m explaining, it has followed on the coat tails of Muslim immigrants to Europe.) What countries need to do is set up a firm system of values, and explain, “Yes, we tolerate your worship of a different God, multiple gods, no gods, etc. BUT, you must follow along with our rules, such as…” (Also, your comment on Christianity is logical only to a non-Christian. Catholics, for example, would believe that other branches of Christianity are straying from the “true path,” just as Muslims believe about other religions. This doesn’t mean that it’s a correct belief; what you say makes a lot of sense. I’m just trying to explain the religious mindset.)

  5. Ah, Etty, remember not to include my name in a comment! Privacy!

    Anyways, I’m fine with Coulter thinking that, as you say, Christianity is the “right” religion. However, this doesn’t mean she should be preaching that all other religions are the “wrong” religion and their members should change. Personally, I don’t believe in evangelizing – that’s my belief, as I just said. I’m a Jew, and there are people who aren’t. I respect that. I believe in Judaism, and others don’t. I don’t go around saying that others should believe in Judaism. Coulter is saying that other people should believe in Christianity.

    Coulter would disagree, yes. But using her logic, she should agree, yes?

    I’ll let Blin respond to your comment directed towards her.

  6. So, in essence, Coulter is saying what everybody else is thinking. She respects that Jews follow another religion, but she believes that they would be better off if they were Christians, and she is merely voicing that opinion.

    No, not really. Her logic is based in her religion. Therefore, in her eyes, Muslims are on the wrong path. There’s nothing right or wrong with this belief.

    (Oh, and have you heard about the “bounty” somebody’s put on her head? $1000 for the person who can tape themselves throwing bagels at her. Bagels. I have no idea why…)

  7. Coulter said this –

    “We just want Jews to be perfected.”

    To me, that’s anti-semitic. She’s saying that Jew’s aren’t good enough. Saying something is one step away from doing something. One long step, but one step nonetheless.

    If she wasn’t basing her logic off of religion, she would agree. Since she is basing her logic off religion, she doesn’t agree – I agree with you on that point.

    Bagels! Bagels, of course, are a classic Jewish food!

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